Human Security / Human Rights
Information related to human security / human rights in North Korea
Average rainfall this year at its lowest in a century, North Korean media says
Adverse weather conditions expected to continue until early June, ruling party organ reports
How serious is the food situation in North Korea? The view from the official data
While the DPRK is undoubtedly facing looming shortages, the numbers don't always tell the full story
South Korea needs to send food aid to North by September, MOU says
Local civic, religious groups also planning to provide "emergency food assistance" to DPRK
North Korean media calls for mass mobilization to combat drought damage to crops
Lower than average rainfall a risk to agricultural output, Rodong Sinmun says
Why South Korea treats North Korean defectors differently to other refugees
Ethnic nationalism, culture likely major reasons
South Korea will announce plans for food aid shipment to North soon: minister
DPRK still has a "firm commitment" to implement inter-Korean declarations, Kim Yeon-chul says
N. Korean diplomats retreating from Western contact, some delegations canceled
Trend began in wake of the Hanoi summit, multiple sources say
Trump supports Seoul sending humanitarian aid to North Korea: Blue House
Two leaders also discussed North Korea's recent missile test during call
North Korea’s cereal imports fell to zero in February: ITC
Possible seasonal dip came ahead of visit by UN food security assessment team
10.1 million people in North Korea food insecure: FAO, WFP
New UN assessment has universally negative conclusions about North Korea's food security