Military affairs
Information related to military issues in North and South Korea
Syria proposes airline allotment agreement with North Korea
Syria claims that a proposed agreement between its state airline and North Korea’s will bring numerous economic benefits
The Great Illusion – South Korean version
Park Geun-hye talks of ‘peaceful unification’ but her actions belie a peaceful process
Hamisevicz: India uses North Korea to counterbalance China, Pakistan
India monitors North Korea's interactions with South Asian neighbors through engagement
How Israel’s Iron Dome could help defend against North Korean threats
Although Israel threatened by far fewer rockets than Seoul, experts say Iron Dome still could prove useful
Lawyer: S. Korea should be willing to ransom Korean War POWs
Head of advocacy group believes Korean POWs issue is critical for South Korean national identity
N. Korea emphasizes island defense & assault capabilities
Island warfare key consideration in Pyongyang’s offensive, defensive military strategy
N. Korea continues consolidation of power in June
Pyongyang shuffles more leadership & military positions, streamlines more agencies
Analysis: N. Korean Scud missile launch
Pyongyang attempts to improve capability of older missiles by increasing accuracy
Analysis: N. Korean tactical guided missile tests
Increasing missile capability a strategic asset and deterrent to undermine enemy advantage
Pak Jong Chon appointed vice chief of General Staff
KPA’s top artillery officer given high-ranking position in General Staff department