May 14, 2024


Leading experts analyze recent events and affairs involving North Korea

The Kim family’s code of silence: Speaking up can be dangerous

The Kim family’s code of silence: Speaking up can be dangerous

Speaking out, as some of Kim Jong Un's family members recently did, can cost people their lives

The Kim family’s code of silence: Speaking up can be dangerous
Dennis P. Halpin
Dennis P. Halpin June 20, 2016
Trade in North Korean gold, coal and iron to China continues in April

Trade in North Korean gold, coal and iron to China continues in April

Gold ore could constitute a breach of sanctions, while coal and iron are so far unaffected

Trade in North Korean gold, coal and iron to China continues in April
Leo Byrne
Leo Byrne June 17, 2016
South Korean SLBMs: Stabilizing second strike or destabilizing counterforce?

South Korean SLBMs: Stabilizing second strike or destabilizing counterforce?

Unclear if benefits of second strike capability outweigh risks of additional arms racing with North Korea

South Korean SLBMs: Stabilizing second strike or destabilizing counterforce?
Scott LaFoy
Scott LaFoy June 16, 2016
Where some of the worst rumors on North Korea come from

Where some of the worst rumors on North Korea come from

Why would someone tell nonsense to the media again and again? More important, why would we let him?

Where some of the worst rumors on North Korea come from
Fyodor Tertitskiy
Fyodor Tertitskiy June 16, 2016
From hero to zero: North Korea’s failure in Yanbian

From hero to zero: North Korea’s failure in Yanbian

Economic decline, Southern culture explain North's gradual loss of appeal to provincial residents of Korean origin

From hero to zero: North Korea’s failure in Yanbian
Forgotten allies: North Korea and Madagascar

Forgotten allies: North Korea and Madagascar

Pyongyang long ago severed ties with much of the world, but legacy lives on in Madagascar

Forgotten allies: North Korea and Madagascar
Striking black gold: How North Koreans became coal entrepreneurs

Striking black gold: How North Koreans became coal entrepreneurs

Coal is relatively easy to produce, so business-state partnerships have turned profits

Striking black gold: How North Koreans became coal entrepreneurs
Andrei Lankov
Andrei Lankov June 14, 2016
Can the spark of capitalism in N.Korea catch fire?

Can the spark of capitalism in N.Korea catch fire?

Capitalistic entrepreneurship needs infrastructure – sorely lacking in the North – to take off

Can the spark of capitalism in N.Korea catch fire?
Robert E. McCoy
Robert E. McCoy June 14, 2016
Wake up to North Korea’s cyber-threats

Wake up to North Korea’s cyber-threats

Frequently discussed in South Korea, Pyongyang's cyber attacks only started to get attention elsewhere after Sony

Wake up to North Korea’s cyber-threats
Rachel Hahn June 13, 2016
N. Korean ‘human roller coaster’ case of mistaken identity

N. Korean ‘human roller coaster’ case of mistaken identity

Roller coaster at Taesongsan Fun Fair photographed during repair and restoration

N. Korean ‘human roller coaster’ case of mistaken identity
John G. Grisafi
John G. Grisafi June 12, 2016