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More articles by 'Chad O’Carroll'
Will North Korean be able to understand capitalism and free speech? Refugee survey
While capitalism currently has strong roots in North Korea, corruption could pose problems in future
What should the intl. community do to help the people of North Korea?
Mixture of isolation, engagement and carrot & stick strategies suggested by refugees
Should Korea keep the cult of the Kims after reunification?
Statues and propaganda should be kept for historical purposes, some defectors say
What do defectors miss most their lives in North Korea?
Family, friends and strong sense of community among things defectors miss about North Korea
What should South Korea do to prepare for change in North Korea? Refugee Insights
Improving public opinion towards reunification important, defectors say
What are the biggest misconceptions towards the North in South Korea?
Potential of North Korean labor force is being overlooked in South Korea, defectors say
Do North Koreans still believe the Pyongyang Propaganda? Defector perspectives
Between 20-50% of North Koreans still believe official propaganda, defectors say
UK rebukes North Korea for misrepresenting election observers
Supreme People's Assembly elections coverage showcases North Korea's "capacity to misrepresent events," FCO says
How long until North Korea collapses? Eleven defector perspectives
In first of ten part series, eleven defectors share their thoughts on the future of the North Korean regime
Special Series: Defector insights into a changing North Korea
NK News launches ten-part extensive interview series with North Korean refugees