Chinese city announces winning bids for upgrades to China-DPRK border station | NK News
September 21, 2024

Chinese city announces winning bids for upgrades to China-DPRK border station

Dandong contracts tech firms to install electrical systems in sign of continuing preparations to resume overland trade

The Chinese city of Dandong has announced winning bids for upgrades to a key border facility between China and North Korea, recent project documents show, in the latest sign that preparations to resume overland trade continue despite renewed concerns over COVID-19.

Dandong Transport Asset Management Co. Ltd. (丹东市交通运输局) revealed the companies that won bids for engineering work on the “Dandong Yalu River Highway Bridge Port” project on Nov. 19, likely referring to facilities in the New Yalu River Bridge Port Commercial and Logistics Zone (新鸭绿江大桥口岸商贸物流区). 

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