Human Security / Human Rights
Information related to human security / human rights in North Korea
How life in North Korea differs from life in the USSR
North Koreans traditionally saw their comradely neighbors as freer, richer, and more interesting
Ask a North Korean: Called in for questioning by government officials
"Once they take you away to the prison camp, you are never heard from again"
The website helping defectors adjust to life in the South
Run by refugees, for refugees, Woori On wants to help N. Koreans make the most of their new lives
What will be the impact of OFAC’s latest designations?
While short-term impact of designations small, the move sets the groundwork for further action
The benefits – and challenges – of verifying North Korean defector testimony
Learning from perpetrators of state crime is critical, says expert
Is progress really taking place in North Korea?
Changes in North Korea give us hope – but we must take advantage of opportunities for change
Ask a North Korean: Does religion survive in North Korea?
"The underground church in North Korea has been almost completely destroyed"
Kirby: N. Korean human rights situation “remains unchanged”
Former head of COI stresses need for ICC referral