North Korean state television aired its first coverage of the Tokyo Olympics on Tuesday days after the closing ceremony was held, offering citizens what may be their first glimpse of the event where no DPRK athletes competed.
Korean Central Television (KCTV) aired 70 minutes of a women’s football group stage match between the United Kingdom and Chile -- played nearly three weeks earlier on July 21 -- without commentary and in low resolution, raising questions about how the footage was obtained.
North Korean state television aired its first coverage of the Tokyo Olympics on Tuesday days after the closing ceremony was held, offering citizens what may be their first glimpse of the event where no DPRK athletes competed.
Korean Central Television (KCTV) aired 70 minutes of a women’s football group stage match between the United Kingdom and Chile -- played nearly three weeks earlier on July 21 -- without commentary and in low resolution, raising questions about how the footage was obtained.
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