Human Security / Human Rights
Information related to human security / human rights in North Korea
The weird, weird world of North Korean elections
Elections used to keep tabs on whereabouts of citizens
Why the UN’s damning human rights report wasn’t a news priority in South Korea
Observer says South Korean media places increased focus on domestic issues, for good reason
Chongryon still Pyongyang’s pawn in covert operations: former intelligence officer
Despite dwindling numbers, pro-North organization can still be useful should hostilities arise
Neighborhood Watch: Inside North Korea’s secret police system
Ask A North Korean: "Let me tell you this: the Ministry of State Security system is a lot harsher than you'd think"
Lies and confessions: how some get through North Korea’s self-criticism sessions
Two North Koreans explain their experiences in North Korea's infamous "self-criticism" sessions
North’s low press freedom score corroborates UN COI report
In face of Associated Press presence, why is North Korea's freedom-of-the-press ranking still dismal?
Megumi Yokota’s parents urge North Korea to settle abduction issue
Abductee's family ‘hates’ Kim Jong Un but are realistic about his ability to reform the system
Why democracy might not be the best replacement for dictatorship in N. Korea
Ask a North Korean: Would you ever go back to North Korea? If so, under what conditions?
North-South migration, part 4: After 2011, the stream dries out again?
Mix of increased security, propaganda campaigns appear successful in sharply cutting defections
Wife of detained Australian unsure of N. Korea arrest specifics
Australian was in possession of "some Gospel tracts in the Korean language"