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February 19, 2025

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Georgy Toloraya

Georgy Toloraya

Dr. Georgy D. Toloraya, is the Director of Korean Programs at the Institute of Economy at the Russian Academy of Science. He previously served as a senior Russian diplomat in both North and South Korea.

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Like father, like son: a train journey across Siberia with Kim Jong Il

Former Russian diplomat Georgy Toloraya remembers the late leader's long-distance rail travel

Like father, like son: a train journey across Siberia with Kim Jong Il
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Why, despite reports, Russia is likely still in compliance with UN resolutions

Why, despite reports, Russia is likely still in compliance with UN resolutions

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Why, despite reports, Russia is likely still in compliance with UN resolutions
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View from Pyongyang: Will new sanctions on North Korea work?

View from Pyongyang: Will new sanctions on North Korea work?

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View from Pyongyang: Will new sanctions on North Korea work?
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Post-THAAD, don’t expect much N.Korea cooperation from Russia

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Post-THAAD, don’t expect much N.Korea cooperation from Russia
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Why a North Korean Deng Xiaoping should not be expected

Why a North Korean Deng Xiaoping should not be expected

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Why a North Korean Deng Xiaoping should not be expected
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Georgy Toloraya July 5, 2016
The Six-Party Talks on N.Korea are dead – long live the Six-Party Talks?

The Six-Party Talks on N.Korea are dead – long live the Six-Party Talks?

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The Six-Party Talks on N.Korea are dead – long live the Six-Party Talks?
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Sanctions will hurt everyone but North Korea’s leaders

Sanctions will hurt everyone but North Korea’s leaders

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Sanctions will hurt everyone but North Korea’s leaders
Georgy Toloraya
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Is nuclear war coming to the Korean Peninsula?

Is nuclear war coming to the Korean Peninsula?

Certain assumptions have to be made to call Pyongyang's nuclear weapons program 'aggressive'

Is nuclear war coming to the Korean Peninsula?
Georgy Toloraya
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With 4th test, N.Korea demands serious treatment

With 4th test, N.Korea demands serious treatment

U.S., S.Korea must realize there's no political premise under which the North abandons nukes

With 4th test, N.Korea demands serious treatment
The Greater Tumen Initiative: A chance to reengage the Korean Peninsula?

The Greater Tumen Initiative: A chance to reengage the Korean Peninsula?

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The Greater Tumen Initiative: A chance to reengage the Korean Peninsula?
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