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February 17, 2025

About the author

James Hoare

James Hoare

After Britain and North Korea re-established diplomatic relations in 2000, Hoare was appointed British Chargé d'affaires in Pyongyang; and his work laid the foundation for the establishment of a full embassy in the North Korean capital. Previously, Hoare had been head of the Foreign Office's North Asia and Pacific Research Group. He joined the Foreign and Commonwealth Office in 1969 and was stationed in Seoul in 1981 1984 and in Beijing in 1988-1991.

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Margin of error: A response to criticism of “Tyranny of the Weak”

Margin of error: A response to criticism of “Tyranny of the Weak”

The community's reaction to the issues in Armstrong's book have been way off the mark

Margin of error: A response to criticism of “Tyranny of the Weak”
James Hoare
James Hoare November 21, 2016
Strategic patience, critical engagement, and boredom: My Korean saga

Strategic patience, critical engagement, and boredom: My Korean saga

After watching 40 years, I no longer see much of a reason to be hopeful for a break in the deadlock

Strategic patience, critical engagement, and boredom: My Korean saga
James Hoare
James Hoare June 28, 2016
Inter-Korean engagement is dead – or is it?

Inter-Korean engagement is dead – or is it?

Talk of Southern takeover a fantasy, re-establishing of connections likely to resurface

Inter-Korean engagement is dead – or is it?
James Hoare
James Hoare February 25, 2016
Should North Korean speakers be given a public platform?

Should North Korean speakers be given a public platform?

We should hear them in their own words – and they should hear from us

Should North Korean speakers be given a public platform?
James Hoare
James Hoare June 5, 2015
Engagement with North Korea again? Perhaps

Engagement with North Korea again? Perhaps

A year after the COI report engagement – and the need for it – continues

Engagement with North Korea again? Perhaps
James Hoare
James Hoare February 23, 2015
North Korean art comes to London

North Korean art comes to London

Surprised? You shouldn’t be; N. Korean art has its charms

North Korean art comes to London
James Hoare
James Hoare November 28, 2014
North Korea – by those who have lived there

North Korea – by those who have lived there

Despite growing number of foreign residents, few books written about what it's like living in N. Korea

North Korea – by those who have lived there
James Hoare
James Hoare August 25, 2014
Pictures at an exhibition: We need more cultural exchange with the DPRK

Pictures at an exhibition: We need more cultural exchange with the DPRK

Seeing how people really live is more helpful than vocal condemnations over human rights

Pictures at an exhibition: We need more cultural exchange with the DPRK
James Hoare
James Hoare July 11, 2014
Give cultural engagement with North Korea a chance

Give cultural engagement with North Korea a chance

Efforts by Globe Theatre should be encouraged, as should presence of foreign broadcasters

Give cultural engagement with North Korea a chance
James Hoare
James Hoare May 13, 2014
Marching Orders: A necessary tradition of annual parades and drills?

Marching Orders: A necessary tradition of annual parades and drills?

Former North Korea envoy says looming military drills in Korea aren't quite as necessary as the allies suggest

Marching Orders: A necessary tradition of annual parades and drills?
James Hoare
James Hoare February 20, 2014