Geoffrey Fattig | NK News
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February 19, 2025

About the author

Geoffrey Fattig

Geoffrey Fattig

Geoffrey Fattig is a graduate student at UC San Diego's School of International Relations/Pacific Studies.  His research interests include South Korean media and freedom of expression, as well as North-South relations.  He has previously written for Foreign Policy in Focus and Global Voices Online.

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Demanding complete denuclearization has long been a diplomatic dead-end

Living with a nuclear North Korea: how to move beyond the impasse
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Why unification offers the best chance for improving North Korean human rights
How not to respond to a North Korean nuclear test

How not to respond to a North Korean nuclear test

A proper response to Pyongyang's behavior requires coordination between S.Korea, China and the U.S.

How not to respond to a North Korean nuclear test
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Geoffrey Fattig February 26, 2016
Iranian sanctions model won’t work with North Korea

Iranian sanctions model won’t work with North Korea

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Iranian sanctions model won’t work with North Korea
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Geoffrey Fattig March 12, 2015