North Koreans vow to kill Americans and South Koreans at state-led mass rallies | NK News
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North Koreans vow to kill Americans and South Koreans at state-led mass rallies

Authorities display gruesome slogans and posters of nuclear strikes on US at events marking Korean War anniversary

North Koreans vowed to “exterminate” Americans and South Koreans and displayed new propaganda posters threatening to attack the U.S. with the country’s latest nuclear missiles, joining state-organized mass rallies in recent days to mark the start of the Korean War, according to state media.

Korean Central News Agency (KCNA) reported 120,000 people and top party officials attended one rally at Pyongyang’s May Day Stadium on Sunday to celebrate the June 25 “day of struggle against U.S. imperialism,” and that local officials organized similar rallies in major cities nationwide.

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