Reveal of Kim Jong Un’s daughter sets her up as successor: Ex-DPRK officials | NK News
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Reveal of Kim Jong Un’s daughter sets her up as successor: Ex-DPRK officials

Some experts see sign North Korea will be nuke state for generations, while others see effort to ‘humanize’ leader

North Korean state media introduced Kim Jong Un’s daughter to the world on Saturday in a report on its latest intercontinental ballistic missile (ICBM) test, and this signals that she is Kim’s successor and that the DPRK will be a “nuclear state from generation to generation,” former senior North Korean officials told NK News.

Yet other experts expressed skepticism about whether Kim Jong Un really intends to hand over power one day to the young girl in red shoes and a white jacket shown holding hands with him at the test site, stating that her appearance in official propaganda may instead seek to “humanize” the DPRK ruler.

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