North Korean officials this week discussed emergency measures to address the “current food crisis” in the country, according to new information released on Sunday that marks a stark admission from leader Kim Jong Un, who said days ago that recent harvests had failed.
Korean Central Television (KCTV) aired a new documentary Sunday on the four-day party plenum held from June 15-18, revealing for the first time that agenda item number five was officially titled “On establishing an emergency policy on overcoming the current food crisis” (당면한 식량위기를 극복하기 위한 긴급 대책을 세울데 대하여).
North Korean officials this week discussed emergency measures to address the “current food crisis” in the country, according to new information released on Sunday that marks a stark admission from leader Kim Jong Un, who said days ago that recent harvests had failed.
Korean Central Television (KCTV) aired a new documentary Sunday on the four-day party plenum held from June 15-18, revealing for the first time that agenda item number five was officially titled “On establishing an emergency policy on overcoming the current food crisis” (당면한 식량위기를 극복하기 위한 긴급 대책을 세울데 대하여).
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