Defector group likely failed to send leaflets into North Korea, South says | NK News
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Defector group likely failed to send leaflets into North Korea, South says

FFNK also may have spread false information about the number of balloons they have used, and items they carried: MOU

An activist group's attempt to send anti-North Korea propaganda leaflets across the border likely failed on Monday night, Seoul's unification ministry said Tuesday, raising possible concerns that the group lied about the size of its cross-border launch.

"The head of Fighters for a Free North Korea (FFNK), Park Sang-hak, on Monday night claimed that [the group] scattered 500,000 leaflets using 20 large-size balloons in the city of Paju. However, circumstances show that [this information] is unreliable," South Korea's Ministry of Unification (MOU) said in a statement on Tuesday evening.

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