Exclusive photos obtained by NK News show that Times Square-style big screen digital displays and advertising billboards have made their debut in North Korea. As can be seen above, a new large screen display was spotted by a recent visitor to the capital, located just a stones outside Pyongyang 's central train station.
Back in August when the picture was taken, the screen was reportedly being used to show a combination of Olympic coverage, news programming, and North Korean movies and dramas. The tourist who provided the photos told NK News that locals were fascinated by the display, with close to 100 people sitting in the square to watch TV shows in public on some evenings.
Exclusive photos obtained by NK News show that Times Square-style big screen digital displays and advertising billboards have made their debut in North Korea. As can be seen above, a new large screen display was spotted by a recent visitor to the capital, located just a stones outside Pyongyang 's central train station.
Back in August when the picture was taken, the screen was reportedly being used to show a combination of Olympic coverage, news programming, and North Korean movies and dramas. The tourist who provided the photos told NK News that locals were fascinated by the display, with close to 100 people sitting in the square to watch TV shows in public on some evenings.
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