Last week, a team of the European Union (EU) Humanitarian Aid department initiated a field visit to North Korea aimed at assessing the country’s food shortages. Furthermore, last month marked the 10th anniversary of the European Commission's (the EU’s executive body) relations with North Korea. Coinciding with these two benchmarks, Javier Delgado Rivera interviews Mr Christian Ehler, a German Member of the European Parliament (MEP) and Chair of the European Parliament Delegation for relations with the Korean Peninsula.
How would you best describe today’s EU ties with the North Korea?
Last week, a team of the European Union (EU) Humanitarian Aid department initiated a field visit to North Korea aimed at assessing the country’s food shortages. Furthermore, last month marked the 10th anniversary of the European Commission's (the EU’s executive body) relations with North Korea. Coinciding with these two benchmarks, Javier Delgado Rivera interviews Mr Christian Ehler, a German Member of the European Parliament (MEP) and Chair of the European Parliament Delegation for relations with the Korean Peninsula.
How would you best describe today’s EU ties with the North Korea?
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