Fox News Correspondent on Famine and the DPRK | NK News
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Fox News Correspondent on Famine and the DPRK

Greta Van Susteren of Fox News recently travelled with a Samaritan's Purse delegation to North Korea, led by Reverend Franklin Graham.  Unusually for an American journalist, Van Susteren travelled north from Pyongyang through the countryside to visit a number of cooperative farms and see progress at Samaritan's Purse initiatives.  Her minders even brought her as far north as Sinuiju City, to inspect goods being delivered by Rev. Graham's NGO from Dandong.

Since returning from her visit, Van Susteren has today published a number of blog posts on what she saw and interpreted from the experience.  Unfortunately, responding to her blog posts using the Fox News article commenting system is extremely difficult (despite a seemingly open system), so in the interests of stimulating debate, NK News presents a number of choice comments with subsequent analysis for your response.

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