How the specter of North Korea-Russia military ties hung over the NATO summit | NK News
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January 19, 2025

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How the specter of North Korea-Russia military ties hung over the NATO summit

Seoul and Tokyo looked to strengthen relationship with alliance, but DPRK remains an afterthought amid focus on China

The impact of the burgeoning military relationship between North Korea and Russia has heightened security concerns for South Korea and Japan, a reality on full display as the two U.S. allies pushed to foster ties with NATO this week.

ROK President Yoon Suk-yeol and Japanese Prime Minister Fumio Kishida both attended the NATO summit in Washington from Wednesday to Thursday, and they were joined by the security alliance and NATO’s other Indo-Pacific Partners — Australia and New Zealand — in stressing that security in Europe and Asia are connected, while condemning Pyongyang and Moscow’s new mutual defense pact. 

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