World Cup qualifier in North Korea scrapped again; DPRK to face Syria in Laos | NK News
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World Cup qualifier in North Korea scrapped again; DPRK to face Syria in Laos

Relocation marks third time a match has been moved from Pyongyang this year and could hurt DPRK’s chances of advancing

North Korea’s must-win World Cup qualifiers against Syria and Myanmar will not take place in Pyongyang next month as originally scheduled, marking at least the third and fourth time in recent months that international soccer matches have been moved from the country.

The group stage matches were set to be played at the Kim Il Sung Stadium on June 6 and June 11, but both will now take place at the New Laos National Stadium in the Laotian capital of Vientiane, according to the Syrian Football Association (SFA) and the Asian Football Confederation (AFC) website.

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