COVID-19 vaccine expected to be sent to North Korea this month | NK News
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COVID-19 vaccine expected to be sent to North Korea this month

Planned delivery of 2 million doses by June would cover 4% of DPRK population, likely leave borders shut

North Korea is expected to receive nearly 2 million doses of COVID-19 vaccine, a global initiative providing vaccines to underdeveloped countries announced on Thursday.

COVAX, an initiative by the vaccine alliance Gavi and the World Health Organization (WHO), said it would start delivering 1,992,000 doses of the AstraZeneca (AZ) vaccine to North Korea by the end of February. The DPRK is expected to receive the aid as part of COVAX’s Advanced Market Commitment (AMC) program, which helps 92 low- and middle-income nations obtain COVID-19 vaccines. 

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