North Korean BBQ Diplomacy: How Current Tensions Are Hurting New York's "Mob Crew" | NK News
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North Korean BBQ Diplomacy: How Current Tensions Are Hurting New York’s “Mob Crew”

"The more I grow up, the more I’m learning that that f--kin’ gangster mentality never got me anywhere."

NEW YORK CITY - Before Dennis Rodman and so-called “basketball diplomacy,” there was Bobby Egan and BBQ diplomacy.

Egan, 55, is a New Jersey restaurateur who spun a mind-bending tale in his 2010 memoir “Eating with the Enemy: How I Waged Peace with North Korea From My BBQ Shack in Hackensack" (St Martin's Press), ranging from interrogations under the influence of sodium pentothal by security agents in Pyongyang to bass fishing trips in Jersey with North Korean officials.

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