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February 11, 2025


Joseph Yi

Joseph Yi

Joseph Yi (PhD, University of Chicago) is an associate professor of political science at Hanyang University (Seoul). Yi studies the development of individual liberty in various settings, from mature democracies (e.g., USA) to young democracies (South Korea) to closed autocracies (North Korea); and communication and cooperation across social groups and countries. His published essays and research are available at


South Korea needs open discourse on North Korea — even when contentious

Efforts to criminalize non-official narratives stifle free debate essential to understand DPRK and threats it poses

Joseph YiJoseph YiNovember 8, 2023

How South Korea’s right and left stifle debate on North Korea and Japan

Legal restrictions risk warping discourse and public policy as Seoul takes harder line on DPRK and moves closer to Tokyo

Anastasia KorolevaAnastasia Koroleva | Joseph YiApril 17, 2023

How non-defecting border crossers can bring change to North Korea

Labor migrants and others were a major voice for market reform in the DPRK before UN sanctions and COVID controls

Anastasia KorolevaAnastasia Koroleva | Joseph YiNovember 22, 2022

How faith-based groups can help North Korea — if they’re ever able to return

A major pillar of aid to the DPRK could wither away as the country’s COVID controls and US travel ban restrict access

Joseph YiJoseph YiOctober 7, 2022